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Sod and Turf


Tifway 419 Bermuda

Combining toughness with beauty, Our sod, Tifway 419 has been the most popular sports turf for the last 40 years. Its dense, rapidly spreading growth habit means quick recovery from injury, making it the most durable hybrid sod out there. Tifway 419 tolerates close mowing and is highly disease resistant. For use on fairways, roughs, sports fields, and commercial and residential lawns.


Sod Characteristics

It is characterized as having a dark green color with medium fine textured leaves. Tifway hybrid bermudagrass is dense with a medium to low growth habit. This variety is a vigorous grower and thus establishes quickly at planting.  Tifway grows best in warm climates.


Drought Tolerance

Tifway will survive droughts with minimal water availability. One to two inches (25 to 50 mm) of actual available water weekly to the plant will provide an acceptable turf surface.


Weed Tolerance

Tifway's dense growth, when properly maintained, efficiently competes with the presence of many turf weeds. Tifway easily tolerates broadcast application of selective herbicides.


Insect/Pest Tolerance

With the exception of certain leaf feeding insects, Tifway demonstrates tolerance or quick recovery from damage after pest control treatments.


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